Hello loyal readers and other folks. We had a short race weekend this time. Those wonderful and excitin’ trucks had the weekend off. I’m just as sure as I can be that they put that time to good use and maybe got to spend some more time with their families. At least this Granny is hopin’ so. But I missed ’em, let me tell ya that much right now. That group is such a pleasant, and good lookin’ for the most part, concoction of crafty veterans and talented young ‘uns with quite a few in the middlers, if ya know what I mean. Yes in deedy that is a well rounded bunch, but that’s neither here nor there so let’s get to reportin’ on what races we did have.
Well, the 2011 Las Vegas what races we did have are just a memory now, a good one for some and not so good for quite a few others, if ya know what I mean. The Nationwide race was excitin’ especially in the final lap. Leadin’ at the time Brad Keselowski had a flat tire and hit the wall, so cute as he can be Markie passed that wall fixture and won the race. Well good for you Mark honey, I say.That made Markie’s 49th win in that series! Another good for you, I say! Course I was so happy and a dancin’ around and yeehawin’ all over the place. How’s that for an almost retired 2 times racer? Pretty daggum amazin’ to my way of thinkin’. Now, I know young Brad is upset with a 3rd place finish (Justin Allgaier also passed him to finish second), but he’ll have many more chances. Course that doesn’t amount to a pretty nothin’ for that boy, but, honey there’s always next week. Know what I mean? Also it’s worth notin’ here that pretty as she can be Danica girl finished 4th. That is the highest finish for any woman in any NASCAR race so good for her, I say! And again in a post race interview she kept herself zipped up. Maybe that is what’s gonna happen next at that website. Now wouldn’t that just fry some pies? Anyhow 2 goods for her, I say! And then that cutie Trevor Bayne came in 5th. I’m tellin’ ya, that boy is gonna be one somethin’ to keep an eye on, just mark Granny’s words.
And listen here, Rowdy boy wrecked on lap 130 and wiped out his day of racin’. That’s not amazin’ but what is amazin’ is the way this boy has been behavin’ this season. I don’t know what has come over that boy but whatever it is, Coach Joe needs to find it and super glue it on that boy. Why, it’s a miracle to my way of thinkin’ and I want to say right here and now that I like it! I just plain do! Good for him, I say, a bunch of times over. Keep up the good work Kyle. Granny’s proud of you, honey!
So on we go to Sunday’s event. That was a pretty fittin’ race. Flippin’ Carl won. Now some people say that he only won because handsome Tony Stewart was penalized for a flub up on pitroad, and that may be. You could tell when he spoke about it after the race that Tony was just as upset he could be. I really felt sorry for the darlin’ but I had to hold off on that for quite awhile because of Duck. Why my word, when Flippin’ Carl won there was just a mess all over the divan, the floor and just everywhere to tell ya the truth. Feathers and popcorn everywhere. And then there were those ridiculous sounds…not quite quacks and not quite screams of joy. Lasted pert near to midnight, let me tell ya that much right now. I had to threaten him with a time out in the hen house (he hates those birds, says they’re so nasty). Anyway Carl won, flipped and then celebrated. That was fittin’ I suppose. After all, last week he was the car to beat and he was, beaten, I mean. So the ex-Juicyfruit Montoya finished 3rd with that Australian Ambrose (I could just listen to him talk for days) 4th with Flyin’ Ryan in 5th.
Also it is worth notin’ here that Dale, Jr finished 8th and was the highest finishin’ Hendrick driver of the day. Now, remember I said last week that the shakeup in that Stable was a fact of beauty and so far so good. Enough said on that subject. Don’t want any hateful email.
And finally for some other stuff. I’ll only point out one because I am runnin’ out of time here. This time the other stuff is about an almost embarrassin’ moment from Krista Voda when she was interviewin’ Marcos Ambrose. Did ya catch that one? She said, if I am rememberin’ correctly, somethin’ like “Marcos stuck his nu (then corrected quick to say) neck out.” Hehe! I had a good laugh there, bless her cute self! Reminds me of the time cousin Grouch and I were sittin’ in church and when a less than talented singer finished no one did anythin’. So, tryin’ to help, I said to Grough, ” Put your hands together and (now I meant to say clap) made an r mistake instead of an l. Well, she hasn’t let me forget that one, let me tell you that much right now. That was mildly amusin’ I guess, but speakin’ of Cousin Grouch, here are her latest comments:
Howdy Cousin Grump and other folks. First off, I gotta say, tell old Duck not to go gittin’ his tail feathers in an uproar over my comments last week about Carl “Flipper” Edwards, why I git upset with all them younguns a time or two durin’ the season, next week I’m sure it’ll be somebody else gittin’ me madder than a wet hen, but we are all just one big happy family here in NASCAR Land. No harm done, Duck, I don’t wanna have ta bring, Sassy, my mean ol’ gander with me when I come to set a spell with Cousin Grump and have some of that there cornbread and buttermilk I been dreamin’ about all week. Ya know what I’m sayin’? Us women folk gotta protect ourselfs some, ya know!
Now for the important stuff, Saturday’s race just goes to prove that them older fellers still got some racin’ in ’em and can still win a race or two, at 52 years young. I know cause, Lord knows they tell us a hundred times ever week how young that cutie is! Have mercy! And how about that woman, out there runnin’ with all them whipper snappers? At first, I thought she was plumb crazy, not havin’ a clue as to what she was doin’, but, by golly, I think she just might prove me wrong. She came home in fourth place, ya know! The first female to do so, I guess she shut me up! Then, there’s the Cup race on Sunday. How about that Dale Jr.? Finishin’ in the Top 10 (8th to be exact). I thought the Junior Nation would tear the house down – – good for “JuneBug”, I’m happy to see him runnin’ better, keep it up, Boy! I guess swappin’ crew chief was a smart idea after all.
And finally, who was that youngster drivin’ the number 18 machine? I thought it was Kyle Busch but he was so polite and all, not his usual “Rowdy” self. You reckon gittin hitched agrees with him? I like the change a lot there, young man! You just might be drawin’ some more new fans your way, imagine that! By the way I guess you all heard that “Flipper” won the race. It was his second win in Vegas too! Congrats, my Boy!
That’s all I have for this time, folks, I gotta go slop the hogs. See ya all after the “Bristol Stomp” ! ! ! Go RocketMan (he came home with a Top 5, ya know) !
I see we agree on Rowdy, Boy, Grouch…well on everythin this time! Good for you I say! Don’t worry about Duck, honey…he is still celebratin’ Carl’s win. Oh I am just worn to a frazzle with his foolishness.
So there you have the 2 Grannys’ take on this weekend. Email or comment or don’t do anything. Either way, we don’t care cause we’re very busy women!
Granny and Grouch, over and out!