Hello again loyal readers and other folks. Well, well, well, this weekend was a really different experience than last weekend, let me tell you that much right now. Course, it was to be expected, bein’ a short track and all. I’m just sayin’ this was so different from day to day if ya know what I mean.
Friday was the truck race. I was surprised I have to say. I think most of the time those trucks get so excitin’ when that guy hangin’ over the track in that cage thing waves the green flag. Duck and I were so ready, willin’ and able to start yellin’ and carryin’ on and it just didn’t really happen. To the best of my recollection it was pert near the last 3rd part of the race before we actually got off the divan. Ended up bein’, for the most part, a fairly fittin’ event after all, thank the good LORD. And boy howdy Rowdy! Kyle, who led 107 of the 150 laps won that race. Clint Bowyer finished second followed by Handsome Hornaday, Johnny (Rock’em Sock’em) Sauter and that cute little Austin Dillion. Good for Kyle I say. He out ran the rest and finished the best. I truly enjoyed seein’ that boy in Victory Lane, I can tell ya that much right now. And to my way of thinkin’, and I do know it’s neither here nor there, we are goin’ to see big things from that young ‘un, Dillion. He’s got talent and good equipment, so y’all just watch that boy! But, it goes without sayin’ the veterans will take these young guns to task again and again. Granny is sure of that so you can take that to your pot and cook it.
Next was the Nationwide race on Saturday. Duck and I got all settled in. We treated ourselves to some popcorn and cold cider as watchin’ racin’ snacks. No big meal durin’ that race as we ate a lot of buttered turnips, greens and crispy fried chicken livers for our main meal earlier in the day. Now that is what my late husband Elmer used to call “stick to every important part” food. Oh how I do miss that man’s wit at times, but that’s neither here nor there. So Bowyer had the pole, which made that runner up spot on Friday a bit easier to take with big wishes for Saturday I am pert near sure, but Boy Howdy Rowdy had other ideas, let me tell ya that much right now. That boy took the lead in short order and lead the entire event! Can you believe that? Why I found myself rootin’ for him and at the same time rootin’ for someone to pass him (to spice it up a bit). That was a bit confusin’ to Duck and to me, I have to tell ya that much right now. That race was just a tad more excitin’ than the day before’s race, but in the end, side by side Kyle and Carl battled for the position and then Busch boy won yet again, VERY much to Duck’s dismay. Now I love Duck, I really do but he is very single minded when it comes to Flippin’ Carl. Course I like cute Carl too. He has such a winnin’, no pun intended, smile, but anyway in a post race interview Carl commented that he might owe Kyle a tap from an event last year but decided not to do it. Good for you I say, Carl. That is NASCAR class to my way of thinkin’, but in after the Cup race contemplation I’m wonderin’ if Carl feels that same way? (More on that later) I’m not suggestin’ anything here now, so don’t send me a bunch of ugly email because I don’t have time for that and y’all know why, I’m just sayin’, and I’m pert near sure you know what I mean. Anyway cute as Christmas better known as Happy Harvick Kevin finished 3rd followed by Rocketman Ryan and Speedy Reedy. Again Busch out ran the rest and finished the best. He was very thankful to Carl for racin’ him clean and again I enjoyed seein’ him in Victory Lane so here’s another good for Kyle, I say!
Then came the Cup race Sunday. I decided we should have our meal with racin’ as usual. Well that just might have been a bit of a mistake, to my way of post race thinkin’. We were off that divan and on our feet so much that Duck and I both knocked our plates off the crates more than once! I just hate havin’ to clean up a mess durin’ racin’, so I didn’t. I just let Goober the Goat in and he did it. Shoot fire, he did a better job than I would have anyway, bein’ that I was so involved in watchin’ and all. I think Granny is developin’ some bad racin’ habits, if ya know what I mean, but that’s neither here nor there. Oh my good and gracious LORD, that was a smackin’ good race. Lots of action. Unfortunately there were quite a few torn up cars but Jeff Gordon got ahold of the race and just wasn’t gonna give it away in any permanent way! Course everyone made a much too big to do over his winless streak to my way of thinkin’. I mean, sure, we were all knowin’ he could drive a corn cob and win, but, that’s the way it happens sometimes. Point is he was the best and poo pooed the rest! Kyle tried. He really did, but it just didn’t happen! It was oh so good to see Jeffie win again! So good, good and good for him, I say! Kyle finished a hard fought second, Same champ Jimmie, who just may not be this year, finished 3rd followed by Harvick and Newman. In fact all of that handsome Rick’s boys finished in the top 13! Why this shake up at Hendrick’s is just a fact of beauty, isn’t it? All but the same champ Jimmie with Chadrick the Trick, as Duck calls him, got a change for crew chiefs. I’m thinkin’ this will end some other streaks if ya know what I mean. I sure am hopin’ so. Yessiree Bob, I really am. Now, I’m not wishin’ anyone any back luck or anythin’ like that. I’m just wantin’ to see the other drivers in that stable become a lead horse more often, too. It’s time. Know what I mean?
And now for the other stuff. In the Cup race Rowdy boy Kyle wrecked Edwards. Now I am not sayin’ it was intentional in anyway and Kyle apologized up one side and down the other over and over again. Sweet and flippin’ Carl feels that wreck took out the best car in the race and that just may be so. No one is sayin’ it was on purpose. Racin’ can be wreckin’, after all. I’m just sayin’ when push comes to shove, and it will sometime between those two, who knows who is gonna be doin’ the pushin’ and who the shovin’? Time will let us know, I’m pert near sure of that.
And how about that Danica girl? Why she finished 17th 3 laps down. Durin’ a televised post race interview I expected her to unzip her firesuit and she didn’t! Good for you I say girl! I was shocked, but, good for you. That’s a start, anyway. I do have to say I found that commercial where she’s tellin’ JR to go long and then he left her at the track, quite amusin’. Now look here, you know that girl could get a ride to anywhere! But if that occurrence were real would she grab her shirt and well, nevermind. I’m just sayin’ that that girl is as pretty as they come. No doubt about it and the car doesn’t know if she’s female or what she’s wearin’, or not. The young girls of today need a role model and one who presents herself with class as well as beauty. Good role models for today’s young’uns are hard to come by and even more so for female young’uns. Know what I mean?
And now for Granny Grouch’s comments. Let’s get to it, cousin! Grouch says:
I hate to say this, younguns, but I’m havin’ a real hard time figurin’ out this new rulin’ bout only bein’ eligible to run for one series championship in a season. Why in blazes would ya wanna drive your tail off and not get a single point fer all your hard drivin’? I’m a lookin’ at that there Kyle “Rowdy” Busch runnin’ in all three series races, when he can only git the points for one series, don’t make no cotton pickin’ sense to this OLD granny ! ! !
I don’t know what it’s gonna take for some of these races to be excitin’ cause the race I seen on Saturday was as BORING’ as watchin’ grass grow! Why, I had to git up and go feed the chickens, slop the hogs, milk the cows and whitewash the fence whilest “Rowdy” ran around in circles with not a feller in sight to chase him down. That there ain’t racin’ to this OLD granny’s way of thinkin’, why it was a Sunday afternoon drive on Saturday for heavensakes! And as for Sunday’s race, I think them boys in the Broadcast Booth all need some eyeglasses, especially ol’ DW cause he kept a sayin’ that the #48 car was workin’ real hard to come through all the traffic in the field, well my landsakes, there was a fifteen car pile-up and most of the cars were in the garage gittin’ all fixed-up so they could come back out and race some more, so what’s he talkin’ bout? Then there was “Cousin” Carl Edwards – – – wreckin’ everythin’ but the Tow Truck and the Ambulance! What on earth was he thinkin’ of? I was happy as a pig in slop for Jeff Gordon winnin’ that there race but I think he needs to git to practicin’ his burn-outs! hehehe He also needs to remember who his sponsors are but I know he was excited, it bein’ over two years since he’s won a race an all.
Okay, this OLD Grouch has gotta go do the rest of her chores – – – -see ya next week from Las Vegas Motor Speedway!
So there you have the Grump’s and the Grouch’s thoughts. Cousin, darlin’, now don’t get your bustle in a big bunchup here, but I agree with MOST of what you were sayin’. Ain’t really worth mentionin’ it here. This ain’t the place. Know what I mean? Just come on by and we can discuss it over cornbread and buttermilk. I’ll put Duck in the bedroom so you won’t worry about your coat, but, it’s only fair to warn ya that he is hot under his feathers over your Carl comments. Hope to see ya soon, dearie!
So, loyal readers and other folks email us or comment if ya like. Grump and Grouch, over and out!