Hello loyal readers and other folks. Hope your race weekend went like you wanted it to. Ours did and didn’t but I pretty much figure it’s like that in pert near all American NASCAR households one way or another…that is figurin’ you like more than one driver like I do.
Anyway who doesn’t love Richmond? Well some drivers might not now, as of their race end’s result, but I’m speakin’ generally here folks and includin’ the fans too ya understand. Can’t blame some drivers for feelin’ to the contrary today. Surely ya know what I mean.
So Duck and I love those night races. It’s a nice way to wear ourselves out jumpin’ up and down and woohooin’ or boohooin’ whichever fits our needs. And it’s pretty good on our budgets with no need for snacks on the crates cause of bein’ so close after supper. Know what I mean?
Anyway the Trucks were off this weekend so the Nationwide race ran on Friday night and the Cup race ran on Saturday night. Well it didn’t, then it did, then it didn’t again and then it did again and I can’t remember all of the dids and did nots but they finished that sucker, let me tell ya that amazin’ one somethin’ right now but more on that later.
So Friday evenin’ we settled in and cheered and quacked as the green flag flew for Ricky, Jr., WOG, Happy, Sam the Man, and Pastrana. WYG was also runnin’ this race and while that boy started 11th he was on a mission to stick to his big, littler brother and he did just that but more on that later, too.
This was a 250 lapper but folks it didn’t even come close to lastin’ that long for some of those drivers. Nosirree it didn’t. 12 drivers sadly didn’t make it to the checkered. That Girl and Sam The Man actually finished but she finished 29th 32 laps down and he finished 30th 82 laps down. Sad state of racin’ affairs for them I say there folks. But Happy Man ended up a very happy man cause he won followed by Ricky Jr., Big Brother Busch, Denny Boy and that Annett boy. WOG and WYG finished 6th and 7th bless ’em. There was a whole lot more action betwixt the start and the finish but you can look up whatever you want to know.
So Duck and I slept real well after we each ate a sweet corn cake, drank us a small glass of ice cold buttermilk and then trekked outside for a quick potty break before headin’ to bed. Course both of us had our own sweet visions to send us to peaceful slumber, me with JR crossin’ the finish line first and Duck with Flippin’ Carl doin’ the same. Ah but sometimes some stuff or even 2 stuffs just ain’t meant to be. Know what I mean?
Anyway we both got up early, ate ourselves a hearty breakfast of spinach pancakes to get our day started out right. Now don’t be turnin’ your noses up at a good for ya breakfast. Keeps ya regular too if ya know what I mean and with a glop of butter and a couple of big ol’ spoonfusl of honey it’s quite the tasty dish. Course you could hide pert near any food underneath all that cover up stuff, but that’s neither here nor there. I’m just sayin’. Then we got after the chores and rested up a bit before the race. Good idea that turned out to be cause that race took nearly forever to finish. Yessirree our good and gracious LORD made those racers and us race fans work and wait for the Chase results. It was so cute seein’ Duck pacin’ the floor durin’ rain delays duck chantin’, “Rain, rain go away. We can’t take this one more day.” Course it loses somethin’ between then and now but I’m still grinnin’.
Anyway I guess it was an hour and a half or so when they finally waived that dadgum green flag for that sweet darlin’ boy JR with Jeffie, bless him right there beside him. That Smith boy was next followed by Bowyer, NSCJBMAS. cutie MM, Denny Boy, Wide Smilin’, Truex Jr and G/B Brad. The rest you can look up. O hit was a melee from the get go. Course there was gonna be some crazy, heavy stuff goin’ on at that finish line to let me tell ya that one somethin’ right now. After 150 plus some amount of laps the dadgum rain started fallin’ again. That just seemed so unfair. Most of those drivers were under so much dadgum pressure I just wanted to hug ’em all. Well not all of ’em. Some of ’em still need spankin’s but whatever I say. So a whole long time later the race got back goin’ again. I swear I was so tired I don’t even remember if there was another rain delay but I know that was one of the longest races I can blame well remember. Why I believe Duck and I dozed off a time or two. I’m not sure now so don’t hold me to that but my good and gracious Lord we sure got to watch most of it. It was so crazy out there. What with pit stops and those who didn’t pit and those who pitted weird times and those who went down a lap or 2 or however many and such stuff that I was just plumb confused. Still am just a bit. Mercy! And I still don’t have that pit/lap countin’ stuff down pat neither. How could someone on the lead lap pit before the leader and, ah heck now I don’t even know what I was gonna ask neither. Another whatever I have to say!
Anyway let’s just get to the long and lengthy results. As far as the race goes Bowyer won over Jeffie. I need to say that Jeffie just had a stinkin’ car for a good part of the race but that team just kept givin’ help adjustin’ that car and it just goes to show how never givin’ up can make a big difference. Yessirree and good for him and his team I say! MM followed Jeffie, then Smoke, Robo, Burton, G/B Brad, Flyin’ Ryan, Biff and Happy. Now as for the Chase it is Denny Boy, NSCJBMAS, Smoke, G/B Brad. Biff, Bowyer, JR, Robo, and Truex Jr.The final 2 spots went to Kutie Kahne and Jeffie. So good for all of ’em I say! And Mr. Rick congratulations there honey on all your boys makin’ it. Those are some real good odds there Rick, honey. I’ve got my pick planned. Yessirree I do!
Course Duck is upset about his idol not makin’ the Chase and I would have changed some of those Chasers around too but I’d say that is fairly much what most race fans are thinkin’ today. Can’t everybody win and there is always next season with some drivers in different garages wearin’ different hats. And shoot fuzzy…probably be more changes. Why I would almost be willin’ to bet my dear Aunt Maizie’s corn bread stuffin’ recipe on that deal. Course I don’t like that recipe in particular but I’m just sayin’.
Anyway now for some other stuff. I read where Romney was gonna attend the race this weekend at Richmond. I don’t know if he actually did cause you know those candidates will say pert near all kinds of stuff to pick up a vote or too. But even if he did go, whoopteedoo there Romney. As far as I’m concerned that ain’t no big deal. Put Little Texas back together and take ’em to any race and that’ll make a lot of folks happy! Yessirree I’m bettin’ on it. Well I would if I was a bettin’ granny. Why I’d be happier than Row…well nevermind. That ain’t nice and I won’t go there.
But speakin’ of Rowdy Boy. I felt sorry for that boy when it was apparent he missed the Chase by one stinkin’ point. Jeffie’s one stinkin’ or one amazin’ point dependin’ on who you were wishin’ for. Now I feel for Kyle. No really I do. His Crew Chief screwed up on that pitstop call deal. But other drivers know about bein’ frustrated with their Crew Chief’s decisions. Shoot fuzzy…Steve LeTarte did some crazy stuff a lot this year. Course it didn’t affect the Chase, I’m just tryin’ to make Rowdy feel better, ya understand. And then look at Chad Knaus. Why he’s always doin’ somethin’ or another. Now some announcers are callin’ it “creative”. Yeah well my late brother Pacer was creative too which got him, well, uh, late and that really is neither here nor there and all I’m gonna say on that.
Also I hear tell Curly Sadler may be lookin’ for a new team, car and racin’ suit next year. I always worry about a driver that I like movin’ on and I do very much like this boy but he has a good, cute head on his shoulders so here’s hopin’ it all works out for only the best.
And somethin’ I missed a few weeks ago was the fact that Slugger Labbe was suspended until October 3rd cause of some post race stuff discovered on Menard’s car followin’ the Michigan race. Seems it was some sneaky deal “Intentionally modifying frame rails for the purpose of deceiving NASCAR’s inspection gauges) of the 2012 NASCAR Rule Book.” Whatever that means. He is also on probation thru the end of this race season along with 2 other team members. It amazes me how folks do that. You know what they say about that long mechanical arm of NASCAR’s law don’t ya? I hear tell it’s very ugly and and even scarier folks.
And finally another person was suspended last month for ignorin’ NASCAR’s substance abuse policy. Ryan Hess was a crew member for Jason Bowles Nationwide team. Oh my good and gracious LORD this is sad news especially when they have seen this over and over and over again. Sad situation right there folks. Sad and uh, not smart. I’m just thinkin’.
So there ya have it. Next week let’s see who get’s their brass buttons in front of the lines. Granny and Duck over and out, tired, but over and out.