Hello loyal readers and other folks. This weekend was a shortie for race viewin’. The trucks were the only series of the top 3 that had a race goin’ on. Those tough busters ran at Darlington on Saturday and it was a pretty fittin’ event to my way of thinkin’. They don’t call that place “too tough to tame” for nothin’, if ya know what they and I mean. But first let me tell ya one somethin’ right now, Duck like to drove me crazy with his ho hummin’ all through the race. Apparently he was a bit on the bored side cause Flippin’ Carl wasn’t participatin’ in that particular event. I finally threw an unnatural fit at the end. Why Duck calls himself a race fan is beyond even this granny’s understandin’. He used to be. I’ll give him that much, but ever since he became so enamored with that AFLAC quack he is just ridiculous. I’ve told him over and over again that that specimen is a paid performer. I’ve also told him that I have suspicions that some of the scenes we see are not even a real animal but he just won’t listen. I am in a quandary here. I’m just not sure what to do anymore. As a point of possible interest to y’all, durin’ the last AFLAC commercial we saw together I looked over at Duck and he was droolin’. Can you believe that? I may have to get him some professional duck help here sometime soon. I’m thinkin’ first I might try takin’ a page out of NASCAR’s book and put him on indefinite probation. Shoot fire, if it works for Robby Gordon (more on that later) it’ll probably work on anyone or any animal. Know what I mean? It’s worth a try, but enough of my complainin’ and back to the task at hand.
Cole Whitt took the pole for the Too Tough To Tame 200. This 19 year old young ‘un drives for Red Bull and is a bit of a Brian Vickers look alike to my way of thinkin’. We all know it is rare for the person that starts 1st to end 1st. It’s just the nature of the racin’ beast. But he did and he didn’t…started 1st and didn’t end 1st, that is. But, he did finish on the lead lap and finished in the 8th spot. That is amazin’! There were 10 rookies in that race and he was the highest finishin’ rookie if ’em all. Good for him, I say! I think Granny is really gonna like this boy. The next finishin’ rookie was Parker Kligerman who finished 14th. Granny just loves that name Parker. It pleasantly reminds me of the old time handsome as they come actor, Fess Parker. Oh that man was a good actor and had a scruffy beard like my late husband Elmer, but none of that is here nor there. So the trucks have a lot of rookies this year and that means a field of new talent and learnin’ and racin’ curves for the regulars to handle. It’s gonna be somethin’ to watch, let me tell ya that much right now.
Another young ‘un rookie out there in this series is 18 year old Johanna Long. I mention her because she is yet another girl in racin’ and we’re gettin’ quite a few now. Course, Miss Danica is the most well known right now bein’s that she drives for JR and is best known for her unzippin’ commercials, but this Johanna girl is a pretty zipped up young ‘un as far as Granny can tell and seems to have a good racin’ history to her credit. Unfortunately she didn’t have a real good startin’ or finishin’ spot, but she only got to run 96 laps before she wrecked. Just thought I’d mention her. Here’s hopin’ she does real well in the future. The season is young, after all. Know what I mean?
So, substitutin’ dimply Kasey Kahne won. Not sure where those older women who used to stalk that boy were, but, they weren’t in victory lane and that’s good to my way of thinkin’. There’s enough of those kind runnin’ around those tracks as far as I can tell. Anyway, good, good, and good for him I say and Rowdy Boy, his owner, too! The good lookin’, crafty as they come Ron Hornaday took the 2nd spot. Lord that man gave it his all, let me tell you that much right now, but fell just a bit short. He’ll get ’em again soon. You can take that to your pot and cook it! Todd Bodine took 3rd followed by Matt Crafton and James Buescher. There was a lot of beatin’ and bangin’ as usual there and except for the constant and distractin’ Duck issues, I enjoyed it. It was excitin’, no mistake about it!
Now on to the other stuff. You just might be aware that Miss pretty as they come Danica is 1st in a poll posted on nascar.com as the biggest surprize for the Nationwide Series. Now I agree with that for several reasons, none of which I will mention here but some of which y’all might guess. Good grief and this Miss sits in 4th place in the standin’s too, only 13 points behind points leader Reed Sorensen! Now that’s pretty darn good, don’t ya think so? Above all those other drivers? Another good for her, I say! In fact I’ll give her two! What the heck? Course there’s 31 one races to go, so we will see, but, I’m just sayin’.
And finally back to that cutie and in the hot pot, Robby Gordon. Apparently there was some incident at Las Vegas with that other cutie Kevin Conway. There are two different versions available for readin’. One was with physical and verbal activities and the other one involves only verbal activites. Now it’s easy to, without any researchin’, figure out which driver belongs to which version considerin’ that Robby is on the probation end of the, thus far, results. Shoot fuzzy! It was startin’ to sound almost like the good ol’ racin’ days to me except for, well never mind. But this is a “have at it year”, right? I’ve lost track, some can, some can’t, some get in trouble, some don’t, some we know about, some we won’t. And, frankly speakin’, some race fans care about it and some don’t. Know what I mean? Whewie. That kind of maybe yes and maybe no stuff will dizzy you up in short order. I can tell ya that much right now. But, I’m out of time again. I’ve got to take the clothes down hangin’ here in the livin’ room, what with all the rain and all and Lord have mercy I have plenty more to do cause I’m a very busy woman. That Double Dexter of mine may be an oldie like me, but, it’s a goodie. It saves me a lot of time. I can tell you that much right now. I keep meanin’ to replace it, but, it just keeps on keepin’ on! Know what I mean?
Cousin Grouch what have you got to say about this shortie race weekend?
Granny Grouch:
Hello younguns and other folks. While the owner of Kyle Busch Motorsports was out of the country vacationin’, that little darlin’ cutie pie Kasey Kahne took over the duties in the driver’s seat of the #18 Toyota Tundra truck an’ won hisself a race! He’s won three out of four truck races he run in, ya know! I’m sure Kyle had a big smile on his face cause of them owner points, he likes them owner points! And ss ya know, the Lady in Black can prove herself bein’ perty mean out there with all them drivers bein’s as how she’s got all them there high banks an’ all. She’s been known to knock the daylights out of them drivers and she was a mean one this weekend, what with all them wrecks and all. Landsakes, it seems like they were wreckin’ ever couple a laps. I was thinkin’, my gracious how long will this crashfest last- – I’m a busy woman, ya know? Then they wrecked little ol’ Johanna Long, did ya all see what was left of the front-end of her truck? Thank goodness all them drivers was okay and no body got hurt. At least I have to say it wasn’t a borin’ race, ya know what I mean? The rest of the top five included: Ron Hornaday, Todd Bodine, Matt Crafton and James Buescher. Elliott Sadler came in 7th – – ain’t he just as cute as they come, with his southern self? And poor little Johanna finished 31st but she’s got lots of racin’ in her future, just don’t ya worry, Honey, this OLD granny knows what she’s talkin’ about!
Finally, “Rowdy’s” brother Kurt spent his “off-weekend” in Florida, attemptin’ to make his drag racin’ debut in the Pro Stock division, whatever that is? He qualified 12th fer yesterday’s Gatornational, however, he lost out in the first round of eliminations in the NHRA Full Throttle competition. Erica Enders, the fourth seed ran a 6.538 seconds (211.69 MPH) to Busch’s 6.541 (211.59 MPH). Enders’ biggest advantage was off the starting line, with a reaction time of 0.021 to Busch’s 0.04. They were running the races last night but it was past this granny’s bed time, sugar, so if you’re a wantin’ to know more, I’m ‘fraid you’ll have to search it our for yerself!
That’s all I have fer this week. See ya’ll back here after Bristol. Ya’ll enjoy yer short track beatin’ and bangin’ weekend, ya hear?
Cousin, dear, you just amaze me with your technical self! Look at all those track facts and figures? Why I am proud of ya, darlin’. I really am! I didn’t get to watch the drag racin’ either, dear. Oh and yessiree, Elliott is just an adorable cutie! I’m certainly a fan of his, I can tell ya that much right now. And wasn’t it great to see Hermie, too? Course that boy should still be racin’ to my way of thinkin”, but he does look cute with a microphone and I love to hear him talk, as well. So, cousin dear, we agree on this weekend’s happenin’s once again! Good for you, I say! I’m just as happy as ants in jam when we don’t have to air our arguin’ in public. Know what I mean?
(BTW, cousin, did Walter behind the meat counter find you? Not sure what he wanted but that was the 1st time in a long time he was smilin’. Why he was downright goofy actin’. Hhhmm. Somethin’ I don’t know about? I’m just askin’.)
So loyal readers and other folks, there you have it. Email, comment or don’t. Either way is fine with us cause we’re both just very busy woman. Know what I mean?