For those of you who do not know by now, ALL CHARGES AGAINST MYSELF AND THE OTHERS HAVE BEEN DROPPED BACK IN OCTOBER DUE TO LACK OF EVIDENCE. There was and is no evidence against any of us for the things we were accused of doing, as it was all a bunch of false allegations that was being told by one person, and 1 Rowan County Investigator (who took this persons word over legal, financial and personal records resulting in the false arrests of myself and the others).
We were in the right all along and the Federal Judges ruling stating Mr. (David) Novak as an owner of JJCR and of Goliath Racing (the name JJCR was changed to) finally forced Rowan County to do the right thing and drop the charges, and let the civil court decide this matter as Lincoln County already had done. It’s a shame when 1 person wastes TAX PAYER dollars for personal gain in this economy when it seems that most people are struggling in these hard times.
I want to thank all my family, friends and fans for standing behind me during this trying and stressful time. It has easily been the worst year and racing season of my life.
For those who ASSUMED I and the others were guilty, SHAME ON YOU for not getting your FACTS straight before forming an opinion, and then saying things or putting things on the internet about me that were outright LIES AND SLANDER. I still stand behind my original statement of “I’VE NEVER EVEN STOLEN SO MUCH AS A PIECE OF BUBBLEGUM” and now that the truth is finally coming out you all see who it was telling the TRUTH and who has been telling LIES.
I would like to apologize to my MOTHER especially, who has been deeply hurt and in no way deserved any of this and who has been very supportive and wonderful. She raised my sister and myself better than to be a liar or a thief, also to my family, friends and sponsors for the pain, suffering and embarrassment this last year has caused them.
I know that this all is far from being completely over as myself and the others that were falsely accused and falsely arrested are still dealing with all the damage that was done to our reputations, careers, and emotional well being. It will soon be our turn for justice and the rest of the pieces falling into place.